Advice from local experts. The Green Valley New's Local Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, give tips on the buying and selling homes in Green Valley, Arizona
I hope this is the last Covid-19 holiday season we ever have to go through, as we get ready to put 2020 behind us. We still have so much to be grateful for, including that the Green Valley housing market has stayed strong this year. The Covid-19 virus presented us with so many challenges that come with a major health crisis. But our real estate market hasn’t suffered the financial crises that so many other businesses have.
As real estate agents, we had to adapt how we do business to make it a safe environment. Today, the way we buy and sell is safer than ever. This has helped the real estate market stay so strong this year.
Current Green Valley Housing Numbers
Approximately 75 single family homes, 27 townhomes and 11 condos are currently for sale in Green Valley. Quail Creek adds another 14 homes for sale. Combining both of these areas there are 175 homes under contract.
In the past six months there have been over 636 sales in Green Valley and Quail Creek. Prices have gone up, but they are still quite reasonable.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
And May 2021 bring us all health and happiness !!!
I have over 22 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley REALTOR®, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
Thinking about selling your current home or buying that new dream home? The first thing you should do is hire a great local Green Valley REALTOR®.
How to determine if an agent is local
I see it over and over again. Agents who don’t work the Green Valley market are acting like they are Green Valley agents. These agents are unfamiliar with our neighborhoods (HOAs), Green Valley Recreation (GVR) and even our home values.
If you are unsure whether the agent you are interviewing is knowledgeable about Green Valley, one good question to ask is: Are you a member of the Green Valley/Sahuarita Board of REALTORS®?
Green Valley Housing Numbers
Fewer than 70 single family homes, 33 townhomes and 13 condos are currently for sale in Green Valley. If you add in Quail Creek, there’s another 27 homes for sale. In both areas there are 160 homes currently under contract. This may surprise you, but as you can see, inventory is very low and homes are still selling.
It’s a great time to sell and to buy. Inventory is still very low and the snowbirds are not here yet.
Please remember to shop local!
All of our local businesses need your support.
I have over 20 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley REALTOR®, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
It might sound crazy but some villas are now selling for over $100,000.
There are two different areas with villas, Villas East and Villas West. These condos were built in the 1960s - 1 and 2 bedroom homes that are 588 sq ft or 698 sq ft - no garages and in some cases parking is not so close. The HOA fees run over $200 per month, which covers all the exterior maintenance.
Currently there are 11 for sale and 13 under contract; 41 have been sold over the past six months. Six of those villas sold for over $100,000 and 17 of them over $90,000.
Looking back 5 years ago to 2015, there were over 147 villas sold with over 90 of them selling between $30,000 and $49,000. As you can see, some villas have more than doubled and tripled in price.
These villas have appreciated more than almost any other home in Green Valley. Clearly, some people love them. But, if you spend a little more money for a larger home with a garage or carport, there are many great options out there.
No home, whether charming or grand, is right for every buyer.
Whatever you’re looking for, I have over 20 years of experience selling homes in Green Valley. So if you need help, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
A recent Forbes magazine article listed Green Valley as the best place to retire in the state of Arizona and also one of the top 25 retirement cities nationwide in 2020. It talked about our great amenities like clean air, low crime, low cost of living, plenty of physicians and great weather.
These are things that we already knew. We can all be proud to live in such a nice community. Now that the secret is out, more home buyers will be coming.
If you would like to read the article I have a link to it on my website at
The current Green Valley housing numbers may surprise you: fewer than 70 single family homes, 28 Townhomes and 20 condos are currently for sale in Green Valley. If you add in Quail Creek, there’s another 19 homes for sale. In both areas there are 145 homes under contract. As you can see inventory is low and homes are still selling.
Tips for Sellers and Buyers
• The inventory of homes is low, so it’s a great time to sell.
• If you find that perfect home, STOP LOOKING -- and put in your best offer in ASAP. Homes are going fast!
I have over 20 years of experience selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need help, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
A few days ago, I was stopped on the street by one of my neighbors. She said she was waiting to sell till the market improved in the fall because “there were not enough buyers in town.”
She didn’t know that Green Valley is in the midst of a housing shortage. The time is ripe to sell. One of the biggest problems for most sellers is once they sell where do they go? Sellers that want to stay in Green Valley are looking for something different (bigger, smaller, a great view, 3 car garage) and these homes might not be currently available.
Here are the facts:
• At last count, there were 85 single family homes, 34 townhomes and 16 condos for sale in Green Valley. If you add in Quail Creek, there’s another 19 homes for sale.
• The local home builders are also doing great again, but they are getting top dollar. They do have a small inventory of homes. You can also build one from scratch but you have to wait.
• If you want to sell and have a place to go, it’s a great time to sell.
• The market needs your home!!
Please remember to shop local, our local businesses need your support.
I have over 20 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
What is the best way to find that perfect home? Searching for a specific home online can be tricky. Everybody knows about Zillow, Trulia and many other internet sites.
What these sites are lacking is a way to find that specific home with information you can trust. These sites all have pretty photos but could be lacking accurate information. I get calls all the time from buyers looking at a home online that the information is not correct.
Our local MLS beats the others.
The best way to find a home on the web would be going directly through our local Multi Listing Service (MLS), the Multiple Listing Service of Southern Arizona (MLSSAZ). Most local agents should set you up with a portal so you can easily search online.
3 easy steps in getting to our local MLS:
• Hire a local Realtor®.
• Have an MLS Search set up.
• Turn on your computer and start searching.
What’s nice about these searches is they can be saved and you can go back and relook and not have to start from scratch each time. These searches will even notify you on homes as they become available. So you don’t have to worry about missing out on that perfect home.
It’s always best to get your information from the source and not a 3rd party.
I can set up the online searches through the MLS. Call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realtor®, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
Summer is here and it’s already very hot. This year is unlike many past years, though, because lots of our snowbirds have stayed in town due to Covid-19. Still, I get the same question whether it’s June or January: “What’s happening in the Green Valley Real Estate Market?”
The Green Valley market has always been quirky but it’s even quirkier now. We have been in a seller’s market for some time, but our market seems to have paused since the virus appeared.
Here are some of our current stats for Single Family Homes and Townhomes in Green Valley:
• Homes for sale - 158
• Home Under contract - 151
• Homes Closed past 3 months - 344
• Homes Closed past month - 96
These are pretty incredible numbers! So, as you can see, at this current pace we only have a couple of months’ worth of inventory.
Expect our market to take off again once people feel comfortable travelling to and from Green Valley. Local real estate agents are starting to hold safer Open Houses and are more careful with showings.
So if you are thinking of selling, it’s a great time to sell - and if you’re thinking of buying, do it now before the buying rush is on.
I have over 20 years of experience selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor®, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives Arizona Territory at 520-360-6973,
The Real Estate Market here in Green Valley did not shut down due to Covid-19. While many businesses closed their doors, Realtors, lenders and title companies continued to work, but differently. We have changed how we do our jobs and how we work with our clients. It’s all about safety. For example, I have not done an “Open House” this past month. It’s all done by appointments. Fewer “Open Houses” means fewer showings.
What’s a Seller to do? Patience is the key.
The Inventory of homes is still low. Our market has been on a “pause,” but Green Valley is a great place to live, and that will bring new buyers here again before you know it. It’s not time to panic.
AND for BUYERS, - If you see that perfect home but are hoping the prices will go down, you better think again. Our area has been in a lock down for the past month, meaning fewer new buyers. Once this passes, more new buyers will be here ready to buy. It might just cost you that perfect home. Your opportunity is now.
I live here and I care about Green Valley.
I have over 20 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives at 520-360-6973,
The real estate market is considered an Essential Service and is still operating. However, the way homes are being sold is changing daily.
Realtors, title offices and lenders are still working but all meetings are being done by appointment only, and many offices are closed to the public. No more walk-ins. Everybody is playing it safe.
What is the new normal ?
Home Showings: Realtors should carry disinfectant wipes and so should you. Wipe down everything before you touch it, such as door knobs and light switches. Don’t touch what you don’t have to. This protects you and everybody that comes in contact with the home.
Use Best Practices: Wash your hands, don’t touch your face and stay away from groups of people. Keep a distance between you and other people.
Our Housing Market is on a Pause: There shouldn’t be a big change in our market once this ends. This was not started by a financial crisis but a virus. Interest rates are very low, so if you see a home you want it’s still a good time to act.
This will pass and we will be back to normal before you know it.
I live in Green Valley and Care about Green Valley’s Health.
I have over 20 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives at 520-360-6973,
Whether you are buying or selling, choosing the right Realtor is one of the most important decisions you can make. Just as if you are hiring someone for a job, interview several agents.
If you are buying or selling in Green Valley, make sure you get a Green Valley agent who knows the area well. If you don’t know any local agents ask a friend or neighbor. Zillow is NOT the best place to find your next agent.
Key questions to ask:
How long have you been selling homes? You want an agent with successful sales experience. Sure there are some great new agents who will work extremely hard. But tangible selling experience is important, as most of what agents do is learned on the job.
How many homes have you sold in my neighborhood? Realtors that are known as experts in your neighborhood or market are especially appealing. They can be highly effective in their marketing efforts by knowing the niche and how to best reach potential buyers.
What is your marketing plan to sell my home? Each home is different and requires a customized sales plan. Their strategy should include advertising, open houses, the yard sign, and how the home will be shown.
Getting the right agent will make this an enjoyable (profitable) experience.
I have over 20 years of selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives at 520-360-6973,
We are in a seller’s market in Green Valley. With only around 200 homes for sale, even some small villas are selling for over $100,000. Our local new home builders haven’t produced much inventory over the past few years, so some homes are being sold after just days on the market.
Homes that are in great condition and priced right are moving fast. Some are selling at full price and in some cases above their asking price. If you find that perfect home you need to act fast.
How to improve your chances of getting the home you want:
• Know the Market: Look daily at new homes on the market. Have your Realtor set up MLS notifications.
• Be Ready To Buy: Have your financing in place.
• Act Quickly: When you find that home, make your offer quickly. If you don’t, somebody else will.
• Make Your Best Offer: This isn’t the market for low-balling offers. A good offer has the best chance of being accepted. A large earnest money deposit is helpful, too.
Good news for buyers: Prices are still relatively low and there are still some great buys.
Remember, the house you look at today and think about tonight is the same house somebody looked at yesterday and will buy today.
If you’re looking to buy or sell your current home, call your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives at 520-360-6973,
Some renters in Green Valley say they like not having to take care of maintenance. Roof leaking? Weeds in the yard? Just call the landlord.
Others like not having to pay taxes or association fees, and some like the flexibility of not being tied down to one place.
But, there are better reasons to buy:
• It’s a great investment. The tax advantages and the currently low interest rates make your home a sort of savings account.
• Come and go as you please. Arrive when you want to and stay as long as you like, even at the last minute. You don’t have a lease telling you when to leave.
• No surprises. When you open the door you won’t be hit with that “Oh No” feeling. It’s your place; it’s just how you like it.
• No tedious packing, hauling and unpacking. Your home has everything you need because you put it all in place.
• Your pets are always welcome. And if you’re not one to bring along a Fluffy or Spot, you won’t have to wonder if the last renters brought theirs.
• You’re the boss. There is no landlord telling you what to do, because you’re the landlord!
As for all those taxes and association fees?
You can be sure they’re figured into your rent anyway.
I have over 20 years of experience selling homes in Green Valley, so if you need a Green Valley Realtor, call me, your Local Green Valley Real Estate Expert, Scott Chancellor, Realty Executives at 520-360-6973,
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